Thursday, September 18, 2008


I keep feeling this need to fill out this pregnancy journal that I found online. It is pretty cool because once you have the baby, you can print out the pages or pictures that you want and but it in the baby book. Only thing is that once I get there, I don't know what to put in the days. I want to go back and put when I found out, and how I feel. I think part of it is that I am so tired when I get home at night that I just can't even get it together enough to get on the computer. Sleep always sounds better.

So, I previously posted that DH uses humor alot. He usually uses it instead of talking about how he really feels. It is his way of dealing with things because I am always so emotional. Last night, as we were driving to go have dinner with family, he said "I wake up every morning and thank God that you are pregnant. And then I pray for safe healthy babies." It is probably one of the best things that he has ever said to me.

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