Monday, October 8, 2007

Another Day...

This weekend was actually a good one. I don't think that I thought about not having kids as much as I normally do. I did think about how much I love being with my sweet DH. He really is a great guy.

I have a friend who had similar problems conceiving on her own. They were about ready to adopt when she got pregnant with her first son. I don't think I really asked her what happened. I guess that I should. She said something profound to me the other day. "Don't let this define who you are." Man, is that hard not to do. I mean, didn't God put me on this earth to procreate?


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I found your blog through through Mel's fantastic Connections Abound. It sounds like I might be following in your steps with this PCOS thing. I'll keep reading, and I'll add your blog to my blogroll. :)


RBandRC said...

Hi, just wanted to welcome you to the blogosphere! You'll find a lot of love and support here from women going through a lot of the same things you are. I'll be reading and I look forward to getting to know you better!

Missy said...

Hi! I found your blog through Lost and Found Connections Abound. I can understand this post. It's hard not to let infertility change us. In fact, I think it's somewhat impossible. It definitely changes how much we appreciate life and the ability to create life. I'm wishing you much success on your journey through infertility.

Alyssa said...

Welcome to the world of IF blogging! I'm sorry you have to join us (it would be better if IF didn't exist at all, I suppose!) but it's good to have you with us. You'll find lots of support and people who understand here. I wish you the best of luck with your treatments and I'll check in to see how you're doing!

Rian said...

I want to welcome you too. It is great to have more PCOS bloggers out there. Hoping your bfp comes soon.

Arian said...

I know what you mean. With all of the waiting and charting and that whole "you only ovulate for 12-24 hours!" thing, it is hard to think about anything else. Welcome and I hope you get your sweet little one soon!